It’s taken us 10 years to get to this point, but now we are gathering all the appropriate documents in order to apply for permanent residence in Japan. This should come with a number of key benefits, mostly that businesses, banks and individuals treat you more like a typical Japanese person (you get access to the same types of loans, offers, investment opportunities, etc). Also there may be certain tax benefits in doing so as well. And not having to renew our visa every couple of years is a big deal as well.
People often ask us “Do you plan on staying in Japan forever then?” Our answer has always been the same: we have no plans of moving from Japan, at least not at this point. We’re planning on being in Japan for the long haul, in fact our kids have all grown up in the Japanese school system, which means we’ve always been planning for a long-term stay here. But as anyone knows, life can always send you a curve ball and change your plans.
Like so many other people who have moved to Japan, we moved because of work. Our work is with Paz International, a non-profit that specializes in starting Paz Churches all over the world. We came with a team and continue to work together with that team to this day and love it. Parts of our work (and Paz Church) often show up in our videos, but that’s because it’s such a big part of our life and passion. It’s simply a great place to be, and if you’re ever in the Tokyo area, you have to come visit us, no matter your religious background, affiliation or nationality!
Big Family 🔥 Big Passion
But we’re also passionate for healthy, loving families. I grew up in one, and so did my wife. Our dream has been to build our own, and it comes with many challenges along the way. But there’s nothing like the dynamics of a big, thriving family. When I tell people we have four kids, the typical response (here in Japan) is “Oh how difficult!” But to me it’s quite the opposite. A large family is a source of joy, stability and purpose. It gives you a foundation for interacting with the world. It teaches you to be responsible and how to get along with other people. It gives you a safe place to call home, a place that should be a little piece of heaven on earth.
So as we look towards the future, we don’t know what all it will bring. But we do know we’re looking forward to what’s in store around the corner, because we’re only getting started! We want to see more and more families experience the same kind of loving dynamics we do, because we believe society will be transformed through it. How has your family impacted you in a positive way?