Big changes are in store for the Reutter family, as after 6 years at our local elementary school, Rebecca & Anna graduated elementary school! Not only will they be moving on to Junior High school (be steady my heart…) but Joshua graduated kindergarten and is moving on to join big sister Sarah in elementary school. The amount of change that this brings to the family cannot be understated, as so many other Japanese parents who have done this can attest. But before that happens, we have a blessed pause in the craziness that is Spring Break. This short break is like the eye of a typhoon (or hurricane, if you prefer), where for a brief moment you can take a breathe of fresh air and rest up for all that is about to take place.
As break finished up, we prepared ourself for the plunge. Both Joshua and Becca & Anna had their entrance ceremonies on the same day. We were baptized in new information, all in Japanese, about the coming school years. It was a bit overwhelming to say the least, but we did what we do: take it with an attitude of faith that with God, anything is possible. And so here we go..