It’s always a good idea to give credit to whom credit is due, and in the case of birthdays and parties around the Reutter household, Ruth (a.k.a. Momma-chan) is the reason they are so memorable! It all starts months before the birthday, when she asks the kids what type of birthday and birthday cake they want. They usually say something wild and crazy, and away she goes, imagining how to make it a reality.
She searches in stores and online for the best party supplies and tracks down the best presents for the occasion. Often the presents are a highlight for the other kids, who are quick to jump in and try them out. Ruth goes to awesome lengths to make snacks, cookies, birthday cakes and meals to make the whole thing special. She invites friends and family and for a great celebration.
We’ve had some big parties, having as many as 60 people in our modest little home! That’s unimaginable during this pandemic, so we had to do something much smaller this year. We like to do something fun for birthdays where the kids friends, family and classmates can come together. We’ve even had some parties at our Paz Coffee Shop.
Even though this year’s party was smaller, we can share it with you threw this video. Enjoy this warm, family-oriented episode of Life in Japan!